Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wow! A post!

I am posting not in Austin, but from somewhere else.
Can anyone guess where that is?

It's been a really long time since I've last posted at all because there wasn't anything to post about or I forgot. Blogs are getting kind of out of date to some people. Of course there are those travelers and researching people that post every day to talk about their findings. But I'm not one of those people. :) They are actually very useful because you can check over all the forums and organize your information. Keep up with people that aren't right next to you.

It's been pretty fun.
I decided just to post because it's better to post at least once a year when I have time than to let my blog rot away.

Of course, it's not really going to. But it's pretty much going to be boring.

By the way. If you haven't read any of my posts yet, and are looking at this one wondering what I'm talking about, this is what all of my posts are like. Random, and run-on. Most of them don't make sense with the sentences put together. But each individual one does.

Just to type something, eh?
Giving you something to read. :D

If you have nothing else to do.

(Long posts just because I need to type and you have something to do.)

All of the above above for the above in a nutshell.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I haven't had much time to post these days. With homework, and all those other things going on. There hasn't been much to post on anyway, except for the fact what's going on in school. My life isn't very interesting right now.

I went to Lakeline yesterday.


That was fun.

But otherwise I'm just pretty much stay-at-home and I need to find a hobby - or something that I like to do - and work on it.
Find an instrument I'm willing to play, find a sport I'm willing to actually go for and spend time on. Find something I'm willing to spend A LOT of time on and get very good at and maintain my grades.

Isn't that kind of hard?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Finals are over, although I should have posted this loooooooong time ago. Well, that's actually one week before.

Apparently, all the leadership classes are doing some activity type thing about prejudice.
Our 3rd period class is doing a Prejudice Awareness Week.

We're going to pass out wristbands, supposedly, and introduce the topic with a video on CVTV that absolutely no one watches. Then...we're going to have some matball tournaments. Sure, they're fun, but it's kind of...melancholy.
Boring. Just the same thing, and matball isn't anything big.

But I guess that's sufficient. It's not like anyone is going to play football... Or anything else.

Matball is good.
We came up with the idea, and that took us 2 weeks. I wonder how long it'll take us to actually prepare to perform.

Years Left

The title can mean two things:

One) Two years left.
Two) I have a long time left.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Finals are the things that are killing me right now. So much to study for yet you can make a mistake in only one chance.

I'm going to see if I can get something on here...


Well, now you guys that know, should be happy.

Especially Sophia. I don't like that "creep" in his current position. Sure, I like him in his 20s and 30s and maybe 40s but not his 50s. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please don't.

I have really nothing else to post about.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My First Optimistic Post

Obama won! You all probably know that already. Although we will remain optimistic for at least a little while, there is doubt in the polls.
400 misprinted (or what case) ballots were cast in, after they were sent out. People are now calling the vote fraud.
What is up with a fraud vote? We are not 100% sure that Obama is totally president, but I believe so.
Let's just hope that one time, McCain will not regret what he has done.